School of Electrical, Information and Media Engineering

Teaching areas

On this page you will find a brief overview of the teaching areas of the Print and Media Technology program.



Digital and offset printing

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Jung

Systematic investigation of the main influencing parameters and the development of suitable measurement methods for quantifying quality are the goals of the work in this field.


Printing process engineering, flexographic printing and printing materials

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Urban

Although gravure printing has been scientifically more investigated tthan flexographic printing, many relevant questions remain unanswered in this area. Due to the many similarities between flexo and gravure printing, from the area of application to the use of anilox rollers/gravure cylinders that are wiped, to the nature of the printing inks, research activities are conducted together.


Technologies and Management of Digital Transformation.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tobias Meisen

The research and development work focuses on the one hand on digital technologies as enablers for the digital transformation, and on the other hand on the interaction with economic, organizational and societal aspects. The technical research focus is on interoperability in heterogeneous system landscapes (architecture, information integration and propagation) and the design, development and introduction of artificial intelligences for industrial use.

Electronic media

Prof. Dr. rer. soc. Karl-Heinrich Schmidt

The focus is on questions of output-neutral creation of structures and content (keywords: generic document design; single source publishing) and questions of using media-specific structures for visual outputs.


Digital prepress, Color management

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Brües

Research and development work focuses on special devices and processes for color image data capture, encoding and processing. The field of color management includes methods for fully automatic image reproduction (e.g. adaptation to variable viewing conditions under various types of light).


Production planning and control

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Kühn

The research focus in the area of print and media industry digital factories includes projects ranging from the organization of the data and processes required for production, to JDF/JMF networking of the areas, to the establishment of virtual productions using factory simulation techniques. The methods and procedures of Production Simulation Technology support both production planning in the strategic factory planning area and the operational area of production planning and control, which are based entirely on digital procedures. This also includes interfaces to Enterprise Resource Planning and Supply Chain Management.