School of Electrical, Information and Media Engineering

The Scientific Colloquium (SC) of the Bergische Universität is the direct successor of the former " Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium". For many years, this was an integral part of the exchange between science and industry.

Under the patronage of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Jung, a fundamental reorientation is now taking place. Whereas in the past the Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium focused purely on topics specific to the printing industry, we are now seeing that current topics and issues are becoming more and more general and are often easily transferable to other branches of industry. One example is applications based on neural networks (ANNs).

The Scientific Colloquium aims to facilitate a varied dialogue between university staff, entrepreneurs and students, always focusing on current and future-oriented topics and issues.

Thus, although the new SC will still deal with printing technology topics, the focus will also be on other industries and possible applications of current research.


A cooperation from the field: Why kangaroos can help us classify process fluctuations in printing

In an industry research project together with a paper manufacturer, a printing company and a system manufacturer for web guiding, register control and quality assurance systems (BST group), process variations are being investigated in more detail using the example of a webfed gravure press. Using a data set of over 40,000 km of printed board created in this project, methods are being developed and evaluated to detect or classify process fluctuations fully automatically.

Tobias Enk will give an insight into how huge image databases help to reliably perform such special tasks and how this can ultimately help the machine operator, quality assurance, process engineers or a paper manufacturer.

Tobias Enk M.Sc., University of Wuppertal, Germany

Tobias Enk is a research associate and conducts research on applications of artificial intelligence in the field of printing and media technology


2. Speak

to be announced